MUFON UFO Sightings Map

by MUFON Inc.

Maps & Navigation

1.79 usd

The Mutual UFO Network, aka MUFON has created a comprehensive map of all of our cases submitted since 1995 but ranging from 1899 to the present! Included is a one month free trial subscription to MUFON TV. To access the more comprehensive map available to MUFON Members please consider subscribing to MUFON as a member!See basic case data plotted on a spinnable globe! You can click on any pin on the map to find out more about it. Things like Type of Craft, Date Sighted, Date Reported, and the Brief Description submitted by the witness.You can search for sightings by decade range, craft type, or both! Find all the UFOs that have been reported to MUFON in your area!You can even report your own UFO sighting from the app!Download this app today!!